Browsing by Subject "Motivation"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
360° performance appraisal system of Dotlines Bangladesh Limited
(Brac University, 2021-06)The internship report named “360° Performance Appraisal System of Dotlines Bangladesh Limited” mainly focuses on the professional experience I gained as an Intern at Dotlines Bangladesh Limited’s Human Resources Department ... -
An Arab EFL context: does variance in anxiety and motivation across gender impact language attainment?
(© 2013 Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, 2013-06)This study proposes to investigate whether mixed classes are a de-motivating influence and increase anxiety levels and causes variance in performance between males and females. The researchers’ observation and documentary ... -
Barriers and facilitators to knowledge translation activities within academic institutions in low- And middle-income countries
(Oxford Academic, 2021-03-01)The barriers and facilitators of conducting knowledge translation (KT) activities are well-established but less is known about the institutional forces that drive these barriers, particularly in low-resource settings. ... -
Challenges in job sectors for fresh graduates in Bangladesh: focused on poor English language proficiency
(Brac University, 2021-09)Recent studies suggest that good English language proficiency and getting a job are interrelated with each other. A few studies have been conducted on the challenges that fresh graduates face in their job sectors. Hence, ... -
Critical period hypothesis : a comparative study between young and adult learners
(BRAC University, 2015-12)Critical Period Hypothesis is one of the central aspects of language acquisition discourse. In this study through a comparative series young and adult learners have been compared on different areas of language and skills ... -
Developing a motivation-conscious second language teaching approach: a literature survey
(© 2016 Published by BRAC University, 2016-10)Motivation is probably used as the most important factor when describing success and failure in second language (L2) learning. During the lengthy and often tedious process of mastering an L2, learners with sufficient ... -
Efficacy and challenges in learning English by using social media: a case study on the tertiary level learners in Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2022-01)This study attempts to describe the implementation of social media-based teaching and learning in improving students' language skills. As CLT ( Communicative Language Teaching ) and ICT ( Information and Communication ... -
English medium instruction at a private university in Bangladesh: a phenomenological inquiry
(Brac University, 2019-09)The phenomenon of EMI in higher education level has been at the forefront of discussion in many parts of the world and Bangladesh has been no exception. In recent times, Bangladesh has directed itself to EMI in higher ... -
An exploratory qualitative study on the enabling factors of volunteerism: the perspective of BRAC volunteers and their family members in Cox’s Bazar District, Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2023)Introduction: Volunteers have a vital role in the community. Their motivation to volunteer can influence other people to change their behavior. Especially in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers assisted ... -
An exploratory study of power relations in classroom interaction in the government schools of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2015-11-30)This research considered the boundaries around classrooms of the government secondary schools where power takes an important role which had its effects on interactions between the teachers and the students. This study ... -
Factors that influence employee motivation in Jamuna Bank Limited
(Brac University, 2019-08)This report entitled as “Factors that influence employee motivation in Jamuna Bank Limited” was done to find out the motivational factors for Jamuna bank employees. This report analyses few key factors and its impact on ... -
Impact of ICT on undergraduate English students with and without prior ICT exposure
(Brac University, 2019-09)Existing researches in the field of Applied Linguistics shows a significant interest in the application of advanced practices through usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) while teaching English as a ... -
Impact of Krashen’s affective filters on English speaking skills of Aliya Madrasah students in Dakhil and Alim level
(Brac University, 2020-04)This research looks into the matter of teaching and learning process of English speaking in madrasahs in Bangladesh. While doing so, it tries to relate Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis on Affective filters from his monitor ... -
The impact of motivation and inhibition on students’ academic English development in the higher education in Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2021-01)This study investigated the impact of motivation and inhibition on students’ academic English development in the higher education in Bangladesh. Motivation plays an important role in English language achievement. Along ... -
The impact of motivation on English language learning: a study of private university students in Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2022-11)Motivation has long been identified as one of the main factors affecting English language teaching (Gardner, 1985). Motivation is one of the characteristics of Language learning, and it is definitely a helpful facilitator ... -
Impact of teachers’ empathy towards adult learners’ struggle in acquiring a second language
(Brac University, 2021-02)This thesis focuses on the role of empathy, one of the vital traits teachers are expected to possess, in the language acquisition process of learners of English as a second language or foreign language. It tried to assess ... -
Impact of training on LinkedIn learning on the employees: an assessment on Square Pharmaceuticals limited
(Brac University, 2023-01)This internship report deliberates about the impact of e-learning in the LinkedIn platform and their training experiences which is segmented into three chapters. The first chapter focuses mostly on the internship details, ... -
The implimentation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in rural Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2021-01)English teaching at the secondary level in Bangladesh has gone through many changes over the last two decades. Of them the introduction of communicative language teaching (CLT) instead of grammar translation method (GTM) ... -
The importance of employee engagement programs to curtail financial fraud: assessing the approach taken by Bkash
(BRAC University, 2024-11)bKash Limited is a subsidiary company of Brac Bank. It started its journey in 2010 as a joint venture between Brac Bank and Money in Motion LLC. As the biggest Mobile Financial Service company in Bangladesh currently it ... -
Life and academic experiences of Afghan female students in two universities in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2023-05)This research study aimed to explore the life and academic experiences of Afghan female students studying in two universities in Bangladesh. The study was conducted with fourteen participants, including both master's and ...