Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • 3D Brain image segmentation using 3D tiled convolution neural networks 

      Haque, Md Mahibul; Ria, Jobeda Khanam; Mannan, Fahad Al; Majumder, Sadman; Uddin, Md Reaz (Brac University, 2023-09)
      Gliomas are the primary brain tumors that are most commonly observed in adult patients and exhibit varying degrees of aggressiveness and prognosis. The accurate identification and diagnosis of Gliomas in surgical procedures ...
    • Alzheimer’s Disease detection and classification using transfer learning techniques and ensembling operations on convolutional neural networks 

      Awwal, Alvina; Shomee, Homaira Huda; Sadat, Sayed Us; Amin, Sadia Nur (Brac University, 2021-01)
      Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurological disease that affects the healthy cells of the brain and results in people having long-term memory loss, thinking problems, disorientation, behavioral inconsistencies and finally ...
    • Application of deep learning in MRI classification of Schizophrenia 

      Joyee, Ramisa Fariha; Rodoshi, Lamia Hasan; Nadia, Yasmin (Brac University, 2023-01-23)
      In today’s world, when people are suffering from complex brain diseases, MRI has been playing a very significant part in understanding brain functionalities and its abnormalities. Deep learning has been recently used for ...
    • Autism detection based on MRI images using Deep Learning 

      Mostafa, Sadab; Noshin, Tasnim Hoque; Xenon, Zihadul Karim; Arbi, Jimmati (Brac University, 2023-01)
      Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro dysfunction or neurodevelopmental disorder. This causes a patient to have trouble with social interaction which causes social instability. It also causes speech problems or ...
    • Automatic slice growing method based 3D reconstruction of liver with its vessels 

      Alom, Md. Zahangir; Mostakim, Moin; Biswas, Rubel; Chakrabarty, Amitabha (© 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)
      In the recent years, reconstructing 3D liver and its vessels from abdominal CT volume images becomes an inevitable and necessary research field. In this paper, a method of 3D reconstruction of liver with its vessels has ...
    • Brain tumor detection with convolutional neural network 

      Galib, Abrar Tahmid; Taposh, Maruf Hasan; Nazim, Annas Mohd. (Brac University, 2023-09)
      The brain is the command center of our nervous system, which enables thoughts, memories, movements, and emotions. In other words, it is the most important organ in the human body. The human brain is very vulnerable to ...
    • Brain tumor sectionalization through semantic segmentation approach 

      Dibbya, Tirthankar Saha; Khan, Md. Sayem; Tarannum, Tasfia; Mahin, Rahmat Ullah (Brac University, 2024-10)
      Accurate brain tumor detection and segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are vital for effective diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient monitoring. However, manual segmentation is time-consuming ...
    • Deep convolutional GAN-based data augmentation for medical image classification 

      Datta, Joy; Durdana, Bedria; Rafi, Salwa (Brac University, 2022-01)
      The field of medical imaging is rapidly growing with the help of machine learning, yet the problem of scarcity in labeled medical imaging still remains. Therefore training a machine learning model for medical image ...
    • Detection of alzheimer's disease using deep learning 

      Hasan, Mahmudul; Hassan, Syed Zafrul; Azmi, Tanzina Hassan; Hossain, Emtiaz (Brac University, 2019-12)
      Machine Learning has been on top of its form over the last few years. It covers a vast area of predictive web browsing, email and text classification, object detection, face recognition etc. Among all of the other ...
    • Detection of Parkinson’s disease from Neuro-imagery using deep neural network with transfer learning 

      Asaduzzaman; Sakib, A.F.M. Nazmus; Shusmita, Sanjida Ali; Kabir, S. M. Ashraf (Brac University, 2020-04)
      Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that is dynamic and steadily influences the movement of the human body. It causes issues within the brain and slowly increments time by time. Tremor is the major side effect ...
    • An Efficient deep learning approach to detect Brain Tumor using MRI images 

      Islam, Annur Tasnim; Apu, Sakib Mashra; Sarker, Sudipta; Hasan, Inzamam M.; Shuvo, Syeed Alam (Brac University, 2021-10)
      A brain tumor is the development of mutated cells in the human brain. Many di er- ent types of brain tumors exist nowadays. According to researchers and physicians, some brain tumors are non-cancerous while some are ...
    • An efficient deep learning-based approach for Glioblastoma detection from MRI images 

      Saihan, Ismail Hossain; Tamanna, Umme Mahbuba; Tahmid, Ms Rodsy; Fardin, Md. Rahadul Islam; Romit, Fahim Ahamed (BRAC University, 2024-10)
      In essence, an abnormal increase of brain cells is referred to as a brain tumor. Tumors come in two varieties: benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous). Cancerous tumors can originate in the brain itself (Primary) ...
    • In-depth analysis of deep learning architectures for brain tumor classification in MRI scans 

      Haque, Hossain MD. Hasibul; Apon, MD. Sayeed Arefin; Chowdhury, Dhrubo Rashid; Imtiaz, Shahriar Islam; Mahi, Nishat Tasnim (Brac University, 2024)
      One of the deadliest and most difficult tumors to cure is a brain tumor. Patients diagnosed with brain tumors tend to have a comparatively shorter lifespan. This tumor can affect any individual of any age. To mitigate ...
    • An interpretable deep learning approach to detect Alzheimer using MRI images 

      Oni, Farhan Anzum; Hossain Sayem, Kazi Sazzad; Rahman, Mushfiqur; Kabir, Sanjida; Bhuiyan, Fardeen Yousuf (Brac University, 2023-01)
      Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a serious neurological condition that causes loss of long term memory, cognitive difficulties, disorientation, inconsistent behavior, and even tually death. Also, AD is caused by the destruction ...
    • Multi-classification based Alzheimer's disease detection with comparative analysis from brain MRI scans using deep learning 

      Kabir, Azmain; Kabir, Farishta; Mahmud, Md. Abu Hasib; Sinthia, Sanzida Alam; Azam, S. M. Rakibul (Brac University, 2021-10)
      The neurodegenerative Alzheimer's Disease is the most widely recognized cause of `Dementia' and was allegedly the 7th highest cause of death globally. Nevertheless, there is still no conclusive test for distinguishing ...
    • Recall-Net: A CNN-based Model for Four-class Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease 

      Hasan, M. M. Kamrul; Angan, Farhan Faisal; Rashid, Tasmim (Brac University, 2021-09)
      eep learning, a cutting-edge machine learning technique, has outperformed classical machine learning at detecting detailed structures in complex multi-dimensional data, particularly in the field of computer vision. As ...
    • A review paper on iron oxide nanoparticle based strategies in cancer treatment 

      Bithy, Somaiya Akter (Brac University, 2022-11)
      The advanced approach of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONs) offers new opportunities in the field of diagnosing life-threatening diseases including cancer treatment. Due to their superior magnetic anisotropy, ...
    • Semantic segmentation of tumor from 3D Structural MRI using U-Net Autoencoder 

      Farzana, Maisha; Any, Md. Jahid Hossain (Brac University, 2020-03)
      Automated semantic segmentation of brain tumors from 3D MRI images plays a significant role in medical image processing. Early detection of these brain tumors is highly requisite for the treatment, screening, diagnosis ...