Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Cloud based smart route system for blinds 

      Nijhum, Mushfikunnabi; Alam, Tasnim (Brac University, 2021-06)
      Safe and independent navigation in an unfamiliar environment is a difficult task for visually impaired individuals. Existing systems are unusable because these systems are not user-friendly and also expensive. The objective ...
    • IoT based parking system: prospects, challenges, and beyond 

      Quader, Shafquat Mahmud; Nova, Salma Hani; Talukdar, Saumitra Das; Sayeed, Md.Shaba; Sadab, Mubtasimur Rahman (Brac University, 2021-09)
      The world is getting populated over time and with that number of cars per space is increasing. Parking gets complicated for people over time. Over the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), many parking systems get ...
    • Kubernetes performance analysis on different architectures 

      Faysal, MD Badsha; Amin, MD Sheikh; Tabassum, Bushra; Khan, Tamim Raiyan (Brac University, 2022-09-20)
      The web as we know it is continuously evolving and changing its shape rapidly. And every day the rate of new technologies being introduced is also increasing. Kubernetes is an excellent tool for cloud computing. Kubernetes ...
    • Performance analysis of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) for commercial buildings in Urban Area 

      Barman, Anirudha; Mannan, Muiz; Ahmed, Sharif; Mishu, Oumma Marium (Brac University, 2021-06)
      The objective of this work is to carry out a performance analysis of building integrated photovoltaic systems. The proposed system will occupy the majority of the unused space of vertical walls and harness more solar ...
    • Water quality monitoring system with parameter based water usage suggestion 

      Shaiok, Lazib Sharar; Jamal, Mashiat; Tabassum, Aanika; Gupta, Soubir Datta (BRAC University, 2022-12)
      In recent times water pollution has increased by manifolds due to the rise of industries and people’s apathy towards nature. This problem is especially seen in economically disadvantaged countries like Bangladesh. The ...