Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Hybrid energy system: power generation from renewable sources for coastal areas in Bangladesh 

      Ahmed, Emad Uddin; Anushka, Mantaka Rawnaq; Islam, Md. Nahin; Biswas, Pritom (Brac University, 2022-09)
      Bangladesh has always trouble producing enough electricity to meet the demand which is a major hindrance to the development process. The whole world is facing the crisis of fossil fuels as well as Bangladesh. To reduce ...
    • Smart home energy management system using renewable energy 

      Mitra, Nilam Sanjib; Arnob, Chowdhury Zahirul Islam; Saad, Adnan Bin Hashem; Alam, Md. Taohidul (Brac University, 2021-09)
      Considering both energy consumption and generation simultaneously to minimize the energy cost we aimed to develop this smart home energy management system project as home energy use is increasing day by day and renewable ...