Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Multi-level inviter design and topologies 

      Taposh, Asif Nahin; Islam, MD. Tarequl; Howlader, Timon Ponkoj; Arpon, Waheed Ali (BARC University, 2017-12)
      AC power is most widely used power sources both in household appliances and industrial machines. But when AC supply is not available for a certain period of time at that time we need to convert stored DC power in to AC ...
    • A single phase SEPIC AC-DC converter with improved power factor and input current THD 

      Hossain, Mohammad Rubaiyat Tanvir; Abedin, Amina Hasan; Choudhury, Mohammad Ali A.Shoukat (© 2016 IEEE, 2017-02-13)
      A new topology of single-phase SEPIC (Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter) AC-DC converter with low input current THD and high input power factor is proposed. Instead of using a single phase rectifier followed by a ...