Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Analyzing security threats and mitigation techniques for fog computing in IoT-enabled smart cities 

      Emon, Sheikh Sadi; Malek, Marium; Turja, Md. Iftekhar Hossain; Sun, Khalid Redwan; Rahman, Md. Atiqur (Brac University, 2024-06)
      In the midst of rising urbanization and advancements in technology, Smart Cities have developed as a crucial response to the complexities associated with urban liv ing. A significant contribution to the development of ...
    • Smart city security solution 

      Islam, Shihabul; Halim, S M Shafiul; Ador, Sadman Sakib (BRAC University, 2018-04)
      Security issue is one of the very leading concerns for any organization, society or for a city. There are two main challenges for smart cities which are security and privacy. Security includes illegal access of people ...