Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analysis of training time optimization for self-driving car using alternate max pooling layers 

      Arefin, Kazi Ridwan; Huque, Md. Mashrukul; Tasin, Sheikh Sadaf; Khan, Ahmed Jawad; Abrar, Aareef (BRAC University, 2018-04)
      In the modern era, the vehicles are focused to be automated to give human driver relaxed driving. In the field of automobile various aspects have been considered which makes a vehicle automated. As Udacity, in 2016, with ...
    • Self-driving car: a step to the future of mobility 

      Islam, Mohammad Zahirul; Hannan, Mohammad Abdul; Waliuzzaman, A K M; Ahsan, Ali (BRAC University, 2018-10)
      Self-driving car also known as a driverless car is one of the most surprising technologies of twenty first century. In coming years, autonomous car would definitely take a large market in the developed countries and it ...
    • Vision driven lane changing system of self driving car 

      Meshkat, Mashook Mohammad; Mustafa, Shehab; Deen, Tahmid Al; Das, Mrinmoy (Brac University, 2023-12)
      Accidents due to driver error persists despite road rules and regulations being updated regularly, mostly because of reckless driving and non-measured actions while lane changing. Therefore, the inclusion of a lane changing ...