Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Procurement and supply chain management of Navana CNG Limited 

      Rahman, Md. Tohidur (BRAC University, 2024-09)
      This report exhibits the procurement and supply management of Navana CNG Limited. Based on the findings on Procurement and Supply Management of Navana CNG Limited, it engages in several CNG-related activities, such as ...
    • Procurement practices in BRAC procurement guidelines and implementation procedures 

      Das, Niva Rani (BRAC University, 2023)
      NGOs in Bangladesh, originally formed to combat poverty, are facing issues of corruption and deviation from their mission, according to Transparency International Bangladesh. To align with Sustainable Development Goals ...
    • Procurement process and supplier evaluation system at NRB Bank 

      Hai, Md. Abdul (BRAC University, 2024-04)
      This report focuses on supplier evaluation and procurement processes, underscoring the significance of supplier assessment in enhancing procurement efficiency, cost reduction, leveraging the supply base, strengthening ...
    • Procurement process of NRB Bank Ltd. 

      Yousuf, Abu Jabir Abdulla (BRAC University, 2024-01)
      This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the procurement process at NRB Bank Ltd., a leading private sector bank in Bangladesh. The bank's procurement activities, strategically embedded within its Facilities ...
    • Supply chain operational process, challenges and procurement strategies in Partex Star Group 

      Islam, Md Toriqul (BRAC University, 2024-11)
      Basically, Particle board is the key material for furniture and interior industry all over the globe. As it has been made of jute stick and raw wood logs. Since, we use latest technologies and maximum uses of a plant with ...