Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Smart cane for the visually impaired and for people with low vision 

      Oni, Atib Mohammad; Debnath, Aditta; Fyaaz, Ahmad Ibrahim; Tiasha, Ifrit (Brac University, 2022-09)
      This work introduces an affordable smart cane system to aid the visually impaired so that they can navigate their surroundings independently. In Bangladesh, around 1.5% of the current adult population is visually impaired ...
    • Study of AC-DC converter 

      Masud, Ali Tanjim Bin; Kabir, Md. Ishmam; Zannat, Meftahul; Banik, Niloy (BRAC University, 2018-10)
      The modern electronic devices operate with low DC output voltage. The AC utility supply needs to be converted and step down to a suitable DC voltage. During earlier days, the converters were huge in size and were expensive ...