Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An ambient assisted living system for Alzheimer’s patients 

      Abedin, Minhajul; Ahad, Mohammad Abdul; Hasan-Ul-Banna, A.B.M; Khan, Nibraz; Hossain, Ashfaq (Brac University, 2022-09)
      Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that gradually deteriorates the brain functions of the patients. As the disease progresses, victims start to lose their memory, thinking ability, eventually rendering them unable to perform ...
    • Analysis on face recognition based on five different viewpoint of face images using MTCNN and FaceNet 

      Al-imran; Shams, Baniamin; Nasim, Faysal Islam (Brac University, 2019-08)
      Despite signi cant recent achievements in the eld of face recognition, implementing proper face recognition system by training enough data is still a problem because not everyone has enough photos that we can use to ...
    • Masked face identification using face recognition 

      Hossen, Tareq; Uddin, Abbas; Barua, Niloy; Faik, Chowdhury Azmain (Brac University, 2022-05)
      This work intends to express one of the several well-known biometric authentications entitled Masked Face Identification models by applying current Face Recognition algorithms and public masked face raw data that predict ...