Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Human recognition using wireless router signal 

      Chowdhury, S. M. A. Muksit; Shawon, Hasinur Are n; Patwary, Tanvir Wazy Ullah; Rahman, Rukshanda (Brac University, 2019-08)
      Human identi cation technology can revolutionize numerous sectors in human life and a large number of methods already exist to identify humans such as voice recognition, ngerprint identi cation, face recognition and so ...
    • Wi-Fi based supervised machine learning approach to detect objects activities 

      Suzana, Samia Salam; Prome, Israt Jahan; Siddique, Ahnaf Hossain; Rahman, Zakia; Nasrin, Farzana (Brac University, 2021-01)
      Wireless signal based movement detection technologies are emerging effectively. This type of technology is quite popular compared to other ones because it relieves people from the hassle of wearing sensors and coming in ...