Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Attitudes and practices of public health academics towards research funding from for-profit organizations: Cross-sectional survey 

      Nakkash, Rima; Ali, Ahmed; Alaouie, Hala; Asmar, Khalil; Hirschhorn, Norbert; Mugharbil, Sanaa; Nuwayhid, Iman; London, Leslie; Saban, Amina; Rashid, Sabina Faiz; Ahmed, Md Koushik; Knai, Cecile; Bigland, Charlotte; Afifi, Rima A. (Springer Link, 2020-08-25)
      Objectives: The growing trend of for-profit organization (FPO)-funded university research is concerning because resultant potential conflicts of interest might lead to biases in methods, results, and interpretation. For ...
    • Reclaiming comprehensive public health 

      Loewenson, Rene; Accoe, Kirsten; Bajpai, Nitin; Buse, Kent; Deivanayagam, Thilagawathi Abi; London, Leslie; Méndez, Claudio A; Mirzoev, Tolib; Nelson, Erica; Parray, Ateeb Ahmad; Probandari, Ari; Sarriot, Eric; Tetui, Moses; van Rensburg, André Janse (BMJ Journals, 2020-09-25)
      Over the past 6 months, we have witnessed diversity in the spread and severity of the COVID-19 and in the nature and timing of responses to it in different countries and contexts.1 Acute emergencies often mobilise a short ...