Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Bangabandhu Textile Engineering College (BTEC) 

      Ahmed, Tamanna (BRAC University, 2011-08)
      The intention of this report is to make the readers understand the overall methodology followed by the designer for “Bangabandhu Textile Engineering College” at Kalihati, Tangail. The site for this project covers an area ...
    • Comfort with courtyards in Dhaka apartments 

      Ali, Zainab Faruqi (BRAC University, 2007)
      The building activities in the residential arena of Dhaka are primarily involved in mid to high rise apartments of various sizes and styles in almost every available space. The majority of these, mostly six storied, are ...
    • Marine research institute and public aquarium 

      Hamid, Sadat (BRAC University, 2010)
      The site chosen for the Marine Research Intitute and Aquarium is in Cox’s Bazaar, one of the prime tourist locations in our country. The project was envisioned as bringing new life to the waterfront area in which the site ...
    • Sangat: a canvas for music 

      Chowdhury, Tahia Hayder (BRAC University, 2014-08)
      Music brings life to anyone and everyone. Music is a part of everyone. Even a person, who does not know anything about what music actually is, listens to music. The following project reflects how a proposed residential ...