Now showing items 21-40 of 43

    • Exploring the opportunities of a balloon-satellite in Bangladesh for weather data collection and vegetative analysis 

      Rhaman, Md. Khalilur; Bin Shafique, Md. Ishraque; Halim, M.A. Razzaq; Rabbi, Fazle (© 2016 IOP Publishing, 2016)
      For a third world country like Bangladesh, satellite and space research is not feasible due to lack of funding. Therefore, in order to imitate the principles of such a satellite Balloon Satellite can easily and inexpensively ...
    • An eye-controlled system : an eye control system using OpenCV 

      Afrin, Onindita; Hassan, Mahabub; Meem, Mohona Gazi (BRAC University, 4/12/2012)
      system is a system which can be controlled by just looking at the system's GUI (Graphical User Interface) which figures out the position of our Iris respect to eye using webcam via image processing. A robot expected to ...
    • Football offside tracking 

      Mitu, Ishrat Jahan; Chowdhury, Mohammad Hafiz-Ul-Islam; Rahman, Alif; Bhuiyan, Sabbir Rahman (Brac University, 2022-09-29)
      cutting-edge technology to help referees make accurate calls. Modern football tries to use VAR (Video Assistant Referee) technology to correct wrong calls like offside, but this is being delayed because the equipment ...
    • Green power / energy harvesting from wastage energy of human muscle activities 

      Dhar, Palash; Khandakar, Ajijul Hakim (BRAC University, 2013-04-27)
      As a developing country ours one is not like others, concerning electricity problems. The main issue with the point of view of electrical energy and its sources is lack of generation of electricity. It is happening because ...
    • Greenhouse monitoring and harvesting mobile robot with 6DOF manipulator utilizing ROS, inverse kinematics and deep learning models 

      Islam, Md. Hashibul; Wadud, Md. Firoz; Rahman, Md. Raihan; Alam, A S M Hasibul (Brac University, 2022-01-20)
      The rapid climate change and scarcity of fertile land has been a global concern recently. To sustain the food supply its high time to think about the modern way of cultivating which is greenhouse. Taking these changes as ...
    • Health trauma and well-being assistant for Bengali seniors in household: a multimodal approach 

      Islam, Md. Nazmul; Al-Amin, Md.; Hassan, Md. Zaed; Islam, Tamzid (Brac University, 2024-01)
      The increasing number of elderly individuals living alone has emerged as a pressing global concern. Our research aims to address this issue by developing advanced modules that can be integrated into a system that enhances ...
    • A hybrid approach to determine patients critical situation using expression & posture with convolutional neural network & Blazepose algorithm 

      Islam, Abrar; Acanto, Orbin Ahmed; Drishty, Mehzabin Islam; Zaman, Samonty; Ahmed, Jaber (Brac University, 2022-01)
      Patients are considered to be one of the most vulnerable persons. When it comes to critical patients their movements and behaviors need to be monitored constantly as simple negligences could result in severe consequences. ...
    • Implementation of an Optical Character Reader (OCR) for Bengali language 

      Chowdhury, Muhammed Tawfiq; Islam, Md. Saiful; Bipul, Baijed Hossain; Rhaman, Md. Khalilur (© 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-03)
      Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of extracting text from an image. The main purpose of an OCR is to make editable documents from existing paper documents or image files. Significant number of algorithms ...
    • Implementation of diffusion model in realistic face generation 

      Rahman, Abidur; Al-Mamoon, Faiyaz; Saquib, Mohammad Nazmus; Bahar, Farhan Bin; Fabia, Mukarrama Tun (Brac University, 2024-01)
      Realistic Face Generation has emerged as a compelling area of research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and it has gained massive attention through the people as it has significant usage in many sectors. Its ...
    • Masked face identification using face recognition 

      Hossen, Tareq; Uddin, Abbas; Barua, Niloy; Faik, Chowdhury Azmain (Brac University, 2022-05)
      This work intends to express one of the several well-known biometric authentications entitled Masked Face Identification models by applying current Face Recognition algorithms and public masked face raw data that predict ...
    • Motion based gesture detection using frame composition LSTM 

      Islam, Ishraqul; Islam, Md. Saqif; Provat, Mahin Islam; Khandakar, Shaneen Shadman; Karim, Fardin Junayed (Brac University, 2022-09-28)
      Years of technological progress have made machines capable of identifying humans in images and videos. Moreover, machines like computers can also detect our hand gestures. Gesture recognition is the tool needed to ...
    • A new multilevel solar panel system for urban areas 

      Zenan, Ahmed Hosne; Ahmed, Sanjana; Rhaman, Md. Khalilur; Rahman, Mosaddequr Abdur (© 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2013)
      A new multilevel solar panel system is proposed for its use in urban residential solar home systems. The proposed system consists of three panels mounted in a rack one above another at a fixed distance from each other to ...
    • Next generation home service robot 

      Raiyan, Rashik; Faruk, Omar (BRAC University, 2018-09)
      Home Automation robot is a type of robot that can work in home to make our household job easier. It enables robot to provide services for human in this modernized and changing world and assuredly it can work faster and ...
    • Personal health care companion – a medication assistant robot 

      Zawad, Farhan Sadick; Khan, Md. Sohel Aman; Farabi, Ahmed Rahman; Ankur, Md. Rafi Uddin; Rahaman, Touhidur (BRAC University, 2016-03)
      The purpose of the project is to build a robot which can act as a personal health care companion for elderly people. It will have some sensors to detect any possible injury and to erasure blood pressure, pulse rate and ...
    • Plagiarism detection using semantic analysis 

      Shams, Khalid (BRAC University, 2010-04)
      Plagiarism in the sense of “theft of intellectual property” has been around for as long as humans have produced work of art and research. However, easy access to the Web, large databases, and telecommunication in general, ...
    • ProteoKnight: phage virion protein classification with CNN and uncertainty quantification 

      Bhuiyan, Abir Ahammed; Neha, Samiha Afaf; Khan, Md. Ishrak (Brac University, 2024-01)
      microbial ecosystems. This has led to their increased utilization in several research areas, such as bacterial genome engineering, phage therapy, disease diagnostics, and viral host identification. The structure of phages ...
    • Reinforcement learning based autonomous vehicle for exploration and exploitation of undiscovered track 

      Issa, Razin Bin; Rahman, Md. Saferi; Das, Modhumonty; Barua, Monika (Brac University, 2019-12)
      This research focuses on autonomous traversal of land vehicles through exploring undiscovered tracks and overcoming environmental barriers. Most of the existing systems can only operate and traverse in a distinctive ...
    • A simple tele-robotic lunar excavator 

      Rhaman, Md. Khalilur; Hasan, Shiblee Imtiaz; Hossain, Md. Jonayet; Anik, Kazi Mohammad Razin; Oyon, Mahmudul Hasan; Bhuian, Belal Hossain; Rahman, Md. Mosaddequr (© 2012 IEEE, 2013)
      An excavation tele-robotic system is developed to excavate and collect lunar regolith. The excavator has been developed by the team BRACU ChondroBot consisting students from BRAC University for NASA's 2nd Annual Lunabotics ...
    • Skin disease detection and classification using deep learning 

      Shuvon, Mehedi Hasan; Sadia, Rowshanara; Shormi, Shanjida Habib; Arafin, Umma Tania; Chowdhury, Md. Rawha Mikdad (Brac University, 2022-01)
      Skin Diseases have been the primary focus of this study, as they are one of the most lethal diseases if not diagnosed and treated early. The research will enable the fields of Medical Science and Computer Science to ...
    • Smart irrigation and soil component test 

      Bhowmik, Tushar; Ahmed, Nafiz; Hassan, Emonul; Mamun, Abdullah Al (BRAC University, 2014-04-29)
      The aim of the projects to make an embedded system which will provide all the necessary information needed for the production of various crops in an efficient way making the whole process automatic, cost effective , eco ...